We began with a question. What is the value of art and the artist's role in society outside of money, fame and industry?


Quiet is an artist-led community based in trust, care and empowerment. A community built through creative practice and common purpose. A community seeking abundance, through giving not taking.

We are believers. We believe in freedom and love over fear. We believe in caring for ourselves and others. We believe in artistic sovereignty and its ripple effect.

We are creators of Cultural Currency. A currency that elevates consciousness, builds community and shapes culture. This currency is unique as it increases by giving and cannot be owned by individuals.

We understand that form follows flow, so we are constantly learning through creating, through collaboration, through our living agreements and our own definition of success. We are healing through creative practice while keeping the Creator at the center of that practice.

We are all seeking. We are all related. We are all in service. We are Quiet.






Healing through creative practice


All Seeking


All Related


All In Service




Quiet believes that the stories we tell, and the language we use, can transform the way we see the world. These words help us build new futures.


Created by giving as opposed to taking.

Artistic Sovereignty

The ability to hold authority over what you create. We believe it is not a destination, but a journey of personal discovery unique to each artist.

Care for Self & Others

Taking care of your physical, spiritual and mental well being, while treating others with compassion.

Creative Services

Non-financial supports that help grow the artist and amplify their work.


Every person gets what they need to succeed, even if that is something different for me vs you.


That which informs our creative practice and how we navigate the world.


An opportunity to learn.


Belief in that which is greater than us.

Form Follows Flow

Learning by creating, by taking risks, by exploring ideas. This allows for new forms to emerge.

Healing Through Creative Practice

Healing through creativity, while keeping the Creator at the center of our practice.


Quiet is a community committed to learning and teaching. Learning without teaching creates division, just as teaching without learning creates stagnation.


Empowering the individual.

Mitakuye Oyasin

We are all related.

Nature as our Guide

In reverence to that which is greater than us, we serve and protect the natural world and all seen and unseen beings.

Self Responsibility

The ability to manage one’s self care, creative practice and commitments and doing so with clear communication and accountability.

Social Agreement

Fair agreements rooted in trust and mutual respect, where human relationships are prioritized over fear, power, and control.


The belief that the next version of ourselves is more capable, more caring, more creative.

Transformation through Relationship

We believe in reciprocity within community, understanding that deeper relationships create a more expansive reality.

The Ripple Effect

The greatest impact of what we create is often immeasurable, undefinable and unseen.

Value Alignment

Who you are, how you treat others, and what you stand for.


At Quiet, we begin every gathering with a prayer.

We are all family on the path of transformation and healing.  Not only for our beloved ones, and ourselves, but for all beings and the planet.  When any one of us transforms, we all transform.  As we offer these creative gifts to ourselves and to each other, we know we are holding sanctuary, and sharing in sacred space where we can release all fear.  Just being you and here today is more than enough.  That alone will be a source of healing for ourselves, our Quiet family, and ultimately the world.  Let us share with a serene mind and listen with grace in our hearts.

We take refuge in knowing that we are Home.

A person holding a beads their hands.